Friday, June 2, 2017

CSE 190 Final Project - intro

CSE 190 Final Project

To view our documentation blog for Week 2, please visit this link.

As the quarter comes close to the end, we are tasked with creating a final project for CSE 190 - Virtual Reality Technologies. In this project, we are tasked with creating a two-user interactive application over the span of two and a half weeks. While the project can be about anything we wanted, there are restrictions for user input, such as player 1 (on the Oculus Rift) being limited to using only the HMD and Oculus Touch controllers for input, and player 2 (on the Leap Motion) being limited to using the Leap for primary interactions, and keyboard/mouse for secondary actions.
In any such case, this blog post will briefly talk about our ideas for the final project. It will be a two player battle game.

Project name: Charge!
Team members: Hoang Tran & Nikhilesh Sankara Narayanan
In this game, players will be placed on 2 sides of a small battlefield. Each player will have to defend their own [castle?wall? - TBD] against an onslaught of incoming enemies. Who are the enemies, you ask? Well, it's the other player's army, of course!
Each player will be able to deploy troops to charge towards (and destroy) the other player's [castle?wall? - TBD]. The winner is the one who successfully destroys that building first. To assist with defending, each player is allowed to occasionally erect walls to slow down the movement of enemy troops, and pick up and move enemy troops sideways (so that they charge into and fight your own troops rather than into your [castle?wall? - TBD]).
To ensure that players cannot spawn an infinite number of troops or walls, there will be different resource costs for each (resources replenish over time), and each type of troop will have different bonuses and penalties associated with it. Ideas for such may include: foot soldiers can only attack in melee range, cannons can fire from a long range and do bonus damage to walls but decreased damage to soldiers, tanks can absorb a lot of attacks before dying but has a very low firing rate, etc. Most of the game logic and balancing will be done next week after the rendering engine has been implemented.

As a preview to what's in store, here are two screenshots of the current state of the project. Since we added a 'take screenshot' button, it currently extracts the entire image on the front buffer and pipes that to an output image. Consequently, the VR client's image does not have the blacked out per-eye overlay as would be normally seen when running a VR application (basically we were too lazy to print the screen and crop that), and so we manually inserted a black line where the left and right eye images were rendered. We are mostly working on figuring out networking at the moment, and thinking about how to fix the ghosting problem for the anaglyph view client:

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